Hydrogen Market News

H2 Bulletin publishes the latest news and insight on the fast-evolving hydrogen market. The topics covered in the news are hydrogen technology, hydrogen applications in mobility, transport, heating and power and other key areas of interest. H2 Bulletin also covers the key developments in all types of hydrogen with detailed coverage on green hydrogen. Green hydrogen is dependent on renewable, and therefore H2 Bulletin also publishes related news on renewable when they are linked to the generation of green hydrogen.

H2 Bulletin also categorises hydrogen news based on the region so users can easily find them in their respective categories. We divided the world into major geographic regions which can be accessed through the main navigational tags at the end of each post.

Vattenfall to build the world’s first offshore hydrogen cluster in the Netherlands

Vattenfall to build the world’s first offshore hydrogen cluster in the Netherlands

Vattenfall bids for ‘its’ lot to build the world’s first hydrogen cluster as part of an offshore wind farm in…
Loop Energy agrees with Tevva Motors

Loop Energy agrees with Tevva Motors

Loop EnergyTM has signed a multi-year fuel cell supply agreement with Tevva Motors Ltd (Tevva), including delivery commitments in excess…
First Hydrogen applies for UK government net zero funding

First Hydrogen applies for UK government net zero funding

First Hydrogen Corp. is pleased to announce its’ subsidiary, First Hydrogen Limited, has submitted two Green Hydrogen production projects for…
HydrogenPro Ships World’s Biggest Electrolyser to Herøya, Norway

HydrogenPro Ships World’s Biggest Electrolyser to Herøya, Norway

HydrogenPro shipped the world’s biggest electrolyser from Tianjin, China. The electrolyser is expected to arrive at our test facility at…
Fortescue partners with Djibouti on green hydrogen

Fortescue partners with Djibouti on green hydrogen

Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) is partnering with the Government of the Republic of Djibouti to conduct studies with a view…
Poseidon Marine H2 engages Avesta Consulting to deliver a proof of concept

Poseidon Marine H2 engages Avesta Consulting to deliver a proof of concept

Poseidon Marine H2’s technical partner Dynamic Efficiency has engaged Avesta Consulting to conduct a finite element analysis of their versatile…
ELEMANTA H2 to enable hydrogen bunkering

ELEMANTA H2 to enable hydrogen bunkering

Améthyste, ArianeGroup, Cetim, HDF Energy, Rubis Terminal and Sofresid engineering have teamed up to develop the multi-service power barge ELEMANTA…
India explores Green Hydrogen with stakeholders

India explores Green Hydrogen with stakeholders

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas today held consultations with stakeholders on Green Hydrogen.
Hydrogen hub between France and Belgium

Hydrogen hub between France and Belgium

GRTgaz has launched an “Open Season” from 16 June to 16 September 2022 to confirm the economic interest in setting…
Teco 2030 has received funding for hydrogen powered vessel

Teco 2030 has received funding for hydrogen powered vessel

Teco 2030 ASA leads a consortium with partners Umoe Mandal and BLOM Maritime to develop hydrogen-powered high-speed vessel with zero…
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