About Us

The global power industry is in the early stages of its most dramatic transformation in over a century. The rapid advancement in clean energy, combined with climate change initiatives and growing corporate responsibilities, will change how we produce, distribute and consume power.

Green hydrogen is experiencing a global resurgence and is considered a leading clean energy source that could help the world achieving the net-zero emissions goal in the coming decades.

H2 Bulletin was launched in 2020 aiming to provide the premium intelligence service for hydrogen professionals. H2 Bulletin mission is to provide timely information for the hydrogen and global clean energy markets. 

H2 Bulletin is an independent entity set up to provide authoritative, well-researched information for hydrogen executives, analysts, service providers and consumers. It maintains a strict editorial policy. With market research and authoritative news, H2 Bulletin is the leading market intelligence provider for this next-generation power system.

H2 Bulletin delivers business news and market analysis, which timely inform companies in the global hydrogen market. H2 Bulletin’s news and analysis coverage is provided by its talented journalists and a worldwide network of expert contacts.