Xebec to build a decentralised hydrogen production hub in the UK

Xebec Adsorption Inc’s subsidiary HyGear has signed a 15-year Gas-as-a-Service (GaaS) contract with Saint-Gobain Glass. Xebec also said that the recent orders and deliveries allowed the company to re-strategise its hydrogen business in the UK. The company unveiled the plan of building a Decentralised Hydrogen Production Hub.
Xebec provides clean energy solutions for renewable and low carbon gases, while Saint-Gobain Glass is one of the world’s largest float glass producers. HyGear, a subsidiary of Xebec, also supplied an on-site hydrogen generation system to KIWA Group in Birmingham for fuel cell components testing.
Xebec acquired HyGear last December, which gave access to highly efficient on-site hydrogen generation through steam methane reforming (SMR) and electrolysis. On-site generation reduces the need for central production, compression or liquefaction and road transportation, which offers a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option for hydrogen supply. HyGear offers small scale on-site hydrogen generation systems ranging from 10 Nm3/h up to 1000 Nm3/h. This makes them highly suitable to be installed at industrial sites and hydrogen filling stations.
The hub will be located in West Bromwich, UK and is expected to reach 300 kg/day of hydrogen production, which can be gradually ramped up based on market demands. The site will be operated in collaboration with Buse Gases Ltd as a joint venture.
“The cornerstone of our hydrogen supply strategy is to satisfy the existing and evolving needs for industrial hydrogen, while also facilitating the upcoming demand for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs).”
Marinus van Driel, President of Xebec Europe, said, “We are excited to be announcing the construction of our first Decentralized Hydrogen Production Hub in the UK because these hubs will initially serve our industrial customers such as Saint-Gobain, and gradually start supplying hydrogen vehicle filling stations.”