Vision Energy submits environmental permit application

Vision Energy Corporation is pleased to announce it has submitted the Environmental Permit Application for its pioneering Green Energy Hub development in North Sea Port of Vlissingen, the Netherlands.
Vision Energy through its wholly owned subsidiary Evolution Terminals BV (“ETBV”), has submitted its concept Environmental Permit Application (“Omgevingsvergunning Milieu”). The Environmental Permit Application consists of over 20 separate and substantial documents, including design and layout drawings, detailed environmental studies and reports, and fire, risk and safety assessments.
The submittal of the Environmental Permit Application has initiated the formal Permit Assessment process to be undertaken by relevant governmental authorities, and is another significant project milestone as the Company continues to execute its plan to deliver a pioneering Green Energy Hub for the import, storage and handling of renewable energy products, hydrogen carriers and low-carbon fuels.
The Company’s next submittal will be the “Milieueffectrapportage”, or “MER”, a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”). The MER is planned to be filed on or before January 31, 2023; closely followed by the Phase 1 Construction Permit (“Omgevingsvergunning Bouw”), for the construction of up to 400,000 cubic meters (CBM) of tank storage capacity as well as jetty, truck and rail loading infrastructure. The application for the Construction Permit will be staged to accommodate further expansion of storage infrastructure in response to customer demands for increased green ammonia tank capacity as well as specific technical and operational requirements.
The Company’s Project Management Team will continue to consult closely with the relevant municipal and provincial government authorities in support of the formal Permit Assessment process and as the Company maintains its target to achieve the award of all requisite Permits by Q3 and to take Final Investment Decision (“FID”) by Q4 2023.