Verso Energy and Teréga Solutions sign a partnership agreement on renewable hydrogen

Verso Energy and Teréga Solutions, a subsidiary of the Teréga Group, took advantage of the Salon des Mayors et des Collectivités Locales to announce the signing of a partnership agreement aimed at collaborating on development projects for renewable and carbon-free hydrogen ecosystems in France.
On the occasion of the 2023 edition of the Mayors and Local Authorities Fair, Verso Energy and Teréga Solutions concluded an agreement governing their partnership on hydrogen-related activities. This non-exclusive partnership provides for the two companies to work together on projects for the production and distribution of renewable and carbon-free hydrogen that call on their respective expertise: that of the development of projects and ecosystems within the territory for Verso Energy; and that of the design, construction and operation of hydrogen infrastructure for Teréga Solutions.
Verso Energy and Teréga Solutions are already working together on large-scale Hydrogen projects, for example within a group of companies aiming to meet the challenges of decarbonisation in the industrial port area of Le Havre. More generally, they plan to collaborate on projects meeting the decarbonization needs of key sectors such as mobility, air, river or maritime transport, and industries with high CO2 emissions. The companies aim to contribute to the mass production of renewable hydrogen in France and to the emergence of a competitive renewable hydrogen market. To do this, Teréga Solutions will provide solutions for the packaging, transport, logistics and distribution of hydrogen applied to the projects developed by Verso Energy.
“This agreement confirms the shared ambitions of Verso Energy and the Teréga Group to play a major role in the emergence of a hydrogen market in France with particularly complementary strategic positions. Our two entities are already collaborating on structuring projects for the sector and which call on the recognized expertise of Teréga Solutions and the Teréga group. We are now happy to be able to extend and formalize this already fruitful collaboration between our two companies. says Xavier Caïtucoli , co-founder and president of Verso Energy.
“Teréga Solutions is very proud to count Verso Energy among its privileged partners. Our combined know-how is synonymous with successful projects that will contribute to successfully completing the energy transition of the territories concerned. Our common desire to anchor renewable energies in the uses of tomorrow leads us to this decarbonization approach and this is an integral part of the DNA of Teréga Solutions”, concludes Dominique Mockly, President of Teréga Solutions.