TTSEVC to release carbon neutral hydrogen fueled DC fast charger

With the current plans to halt production of solely gas-powered cars by 2035 and the concern over sufficient power to meet the rising demand for EV charging, TTS EV Charging (TTSEVC) is creating a solution.
We are focused on a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy base and are pleased to announce that in Q4 of 2023, we plan to unveil our hydrogen fast chargers (HFCs) to the public. These systems will not require a power draw from the electrical grid, which means as we move closer to a full EV infrastructure, the fear of an overload will be greatly reduced, if not eventually resolved altogether.
“Our vision of EV charging’s future is first and foremost carbon neutral,” says Research and Development Manager at TTSEVC, Kelly Sweet. “Our goal is to reduce the carbon debt as the country works toward a net zero impact.”
Hydrogen DC Charging means the end of grid charging will be coming to an end.
With many years of experience in this industry, which has gained a recent, substantial momentum in the United States company has centered its goals around meeting the demand for a web of charging stations across the country that will satisfy the needs of EV owners, including those in remote locations who currently have limited options available.
TTSEVC will be able to help create a strong network that does not rely on the power grid, but also adds a zero emissions solution. This is indeed an exciting time in history, and we look forward to showcasing our designs with you very soon!