Transformation of the gas grid into hydrogen grid
European TSOs Enagás, GRTgaz, REN and Teréga signed an agreement to boost the transformation of the gas grid into a hydrogen grid.
This initiative, called ‘Green2TSO’, is led by Spanish, French and Portuguese Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and is driven through Open Innovation. The project aims to incorporate new technologies to allow hydrogen development in the transport grid.
It is aligned with the European Comission’s objectives to boost European TSOs as carriers of an efficient, safe and clean energy vector using our large-scale infrastructure. The ‘Green2TSO’ project aimed to transform the gas grid into a hydrogen grid through open innovation.
According to, Arturo Gonzalo, “this agreement is a step at a crucial time for the development of renewable gases infrastructure in Europe. It perfectly fits with the European Union common objective of decarbonising the economy and become energy independent, as stated in the European strategy REPowerEU”.
In words of Thierry Trouve, “strong collaboration on research and development between gas TSOs is key to accelerate the deployment of a safe, flexible, and cost-efficient Hydrogen grid. With our R&D Center, RICE (Research and Innovation Center for Energy), GRTgaz will provide high-skilled expertise and dedicated hydrogen facilities to drive and support the Green2TSO initiative towards the completion of the future European Hydrogen Backbone”.
Rodrigo Costa REN, has underlined that “This agreement is a very important step forward for the European energy transition. This joint effort is fundamental for the widespread use of green hydrogen, in the fight against climate change and towards the decarbonisation of the economy”.
In this regard, Dominique Mockly, has pointed out that “This Green2TSO initiative between four gas TSOs is definitely key to boost research and innovation in the field of hydrogen. This is an important step towards the implementation of the future European Hydrogen Backbone in the context of decarbonization of the industry and means of transport.
The Technology fields to be prioritised will be technologies for hydrogen leak detection, compression and above-ground storage and alternatives for coating and cleaning pipelines.
One project in the field of hydrogen leak detection led by ‘Green2TSO’ promoters, called ‘Green2TSO OPHTYCS’, has already been chosen by the European Commission to be co-funded.