Topsoe receives funding for power-to-x solutions
Topsoe is to receive up to DKK 80,3 million of the total grant sum.

The Danish Board of Business Development (Danmarks Erhvervsfremmebestyrelse) is granting up to DKK 88.8 million to a partnership between Topsoe, Denmark’s Technical University (DTU) and Aarhus University (AU).
The funds will support innovation activities related to upscaling and globally deploying Topsoe’s SOEC technology.
When in operation, it will be the world’s most advanced electrolyser manufacturing facility with a 500 MW capacity per year and with an option to expand to 5 gigawatts. The plan is to place the manufacturing facility in Herning, Denmark.
The Danish Board of Business Development supports the development of innovative green technologies with a total of DKK 225 million from the REACT-EU program. 19 projects applied for funding, and 14 projects were awarded funding. The projects must spend the funding no later than August 2023 . The funding is part of a strategy by the Danish government to develop and advance green hydrogen and fuels.
Topsoe is committed to leading the way to ensure the needed electrolyser capacity is available in the near term to help meet Danish and European Power-to-X and green hydrogen ambitions.
In the light of the ambitious Danish Power-to-X strategy and EU’s green hydrogen goals, which have now increased the demand for electrolysers with the recent REPowerEU, Topsoe recently announced its intention to build the world’s most advanced industrial-scale electrolyser production facility to speed up commercial-size Power-to-X. The production facility will be able to support the GW-size green hydrogen projects that many developers have at the planning stage.
Now, the Danish Board of Business Development supports this work by granting up to DKK 88,8 million to a partnership between Topsoe, DTU and AU, as the partners’ research and innovation is strongly called for to address key technology risks needed for upscaling.
The Danish Board of Business Development funding is the first phase in funding Topsoe’s scale-up activities in Power-to-X. Further national and international funding is necessary for the ambitious goals of Denmark and the Danish Power-to-X strategy. Topsoe is committed to ensuring the capacity of the electrolyser required is available in the near term.