SSB opened its first hydrogen filling station at Gaisburg

SSB is to provide hydrogen to its fuel cell bus fleet and opened the first hydrogen filling station at Gaisburg bus depot in Germany. Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB) is the principal public transport operating company in the German city of Stuttgart.
The filling station at Gaisburg depot will work at 350 bars in comparison to the expensive and complicated 700 bar vehicle refuelling systems. This makes it easier to use stable and less complex system modules based on a validated system for refuelling buses with natural gas.
Dr Stefan Kaufmann, the Stuttgart member of the German Bundestag and Innovation Commissioner for “Green Hydrogen” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, welcomes the start of operations. He said that the transport sector is to rely on technological progress to achieve climate targets. Fuel cell buses can significantly reduce CO2 emissions in local public transport.