Six private and public sector organizations collaborate to investigate hydrogen

The Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd., Airport Facilities Co., Ltd., ENEOS Corporation, Ota City, Kawasaki City, and Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC applied the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) in response to NEDO’s open call for proposals for its “Development of Technologies for Realizing a Hydrogen Society/Development of Technology for Regional Hydrogen Utilization/Study of the Potential for Hydrogen Production and Utilization” project.
The proposed “Study of CO2-free Hydrogen Utilization Model in Tokyo International Airport and the Surrounding Area” (hereinafter “the study”), which will be performed as part of the NEDO project‘s “study of the potential for hydrogen production and utilization” research and development item, was selected for implementation by NEDO today.
The six parties will perform the study at Tokyo International Airport (located in Ota City, Tokyo, hereinafter “Haneda Airport”), the air gateway to Japan, with the aim of developing a CO2-free hydrogen utilization model to contribute to the realization of carbon neutrality by 2050.
Specifically, the study will investigate the amount of latent demand in the relevant areas with the view to supply Haneda Airport and the surrounding area with CO2-free hydrogen imported via the Kawasaki coastal area. It will also organize information regarding the methods that will be necessary for supplying that energy, equipment installation policies, and the like, and it will verify the economic benefits and the amount of greenhouse gas reductions that would be possible through the use of CO2-free hydrogen energy.
Each of the six parties will leverage their own expertise and contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society by investigating CO2-free hydrogen supply chains in Haneda Airport and the surrounding area through this study.