SFC Energy receives an order from Linc Polska for fuel cells
Linc Polska is the largest supplier of civil surveillance technology in Poland.

SFC Energy AG has received another order from Linc Polska for 180 EFOY Pro 2800 fuel cells is worth more than €1 million.
SFC Energy had won Linc Polska as a new client at the end of 2021 and received an order of 65 EFOY Pro 2800 fuel cells worth more than EUR 0.3 million. Since then, the company, which specializes in civil surveillance technology, has relied on EFOY fuel cells for the self-sufficient operation of its mobile iTower camera towers.
iTowers from Linc Polska enable real-time monitoring of large areas such as construction sites, festival grounds, or industrial facilities and can be controlled remotely via a cloud application. To ensure the reliable operation of the systems, a permanent power supply is essential.
This function is provided by SFC Energy’s EFOY fuel cells. They reliably supply iTower applications with environmentally friendly electricity at any time and in any place. This makes them the perfect solution to replace previously used diesel generators and make an important contribution to the race-to-zero and decarbonization of the global economy.
Compared to diesel generators, EFOY fuel cells consume significantly less fuel, operate more efficiently, are less noisy, and do not emit harmful exhaust gases such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), or particulate matter.
Dr Peter Podesser, CEO of SFC Energy AG, said, “EFOY fuel cells make a tangible contribution to this and at the same time deliver clear added value for a wide range of applications.”
Harald Dingemans, CEO of Linc Polska Sp. z o.o, said, “EFOY fuel cells expand the application possibilities of iTowers and give our customers more flexibility.”