Repsol aims 400MW renewable hydrogen by 2025
With energy efficiency, the circular economy, renewable hydrogen, and the CCUS, Repsol aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Repsol plans to increase renewable generation to 7.5 GW in 2025 and double this figure to 15 GW in 2030. It plans to produce 1.3 million tonnes/year of sustainable biofuels by 2025 and over 2 million tonnes/year in 2030. Repsol also aims to produce renewable hydrogen with a capacity of 400 MWeq in 2025 and reaching 1.2 GWeq in 2030, becoming a leader in the Iberian Peninsula hydrogen market.
To achieve its goals, the Repsol Technology Lab has been developing a wide range of technologies to address climate change issues; stressing that it is important for the regulatory framework to support the deployment.
On 6th May, the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, visited the Repsol Technology Lab research centre in Mostoles near Madrid. He was accompanied by local government officials as well as Repsol executives, including Repsol Chairman Antonio Brufau.
Repsol highlighted the strategic lines it is developing to transform its businesses, aiming to advance in the energy transition and achieve zero net emissions by 2050. The company has been working on digitalisation, artificial intelligence, circular economy initiatives and renewable hydrogen to support its decarbonisation efforts.
The Repsol Technology Lab has more than 240 scientists and researchers working on areas related to decarbonisation, renewable hydrogen, development of new sustainable fuel compositions and covering various aspects from energy generation to its use. It spent €380 million on R&D over the last five years. In 2020, it filed 11 new patent families.