PureH2 project to optimize purification systems for green hydrogen storage in salt caverns

The PureH2 project is based on the optimization of purification systems for green hydrogen storage in salt caverns. The project has been selected by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE) to receive 2,089,014 euros in funding.
The partners of this project, coordinated by Enagás, are the consulting firm CRS Ingeniería, the energy company Trinity Energy Storage, the manufacturer of hydrogen separation units based on H2SITE palladium alloy membrane technology, and the mining company Iberpotash (ICL Iberia). Pure H2 is also part of the aid program for the innovative renewable hydrogen value chain of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – within the NextGenerationEU instrument, funded by the European Union.
With a duration of 36 months and a total budget of 2,888,719 euros, this project will contribute to acquiring more knowledge for the development of possible future storage for hydrogen in salt caverns in the geological area of the Ebro Basin.
The project focuses on developing a purification solution for hydrogen stored in salt cavities by using and comparing different membrane technologies (palladium and carbon), once the hydrogen is extracted. Membrane technology is new and, depending on the type of application can be much more efficient than existing systems, such as PSAs (Pressure Swing Adsorption).