President of the European Commission announces the Green Deal Industrial Plan

In her speech in Davos, President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen announced her plan to make Europe the global cleantech market leader by simplifying EU state aid rules and through further provisions of funds.
President von der Leyen announced the Green Deal Industrial Plan during a special address at the World Economic Forum at Davos on 17 January 2023. The plan aims to make Europe a central hub for clean tech and industrial innovation to meet the 2050 net-zero goals. Von der Leyen voiced her wish to see the EU and US working together to incentivize the energy transition further; however, she also added that the US’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) had raised some concerns about possible disruptions in global trade and investment and Europe’s possibility of lagging in competition to speed up green technologies for climate neutral industries. Therefore, Europe has produced this plan to answer the US’s IRA.
The Green Deal Industrial Plan has four focal points: bureaucracy, financing, skills, and trade. Regulations for realizing energy projects with solutions such as wind, heat pumps, solar, clean hydrogen, storage, and others will be eased and financially supported. In addition to these aspects, the training of highly skilled talent to plan and implement green technologies will be encouraged. In the speech, von der Leyen emphasized the importance of accelerating the energy transition and how the four focal points support one another. She also added that when the proper steps are taken, “the story of the clean-tech economy will be written in Europe.”
Clean Industry Solutions Holding Europe AB (CISH) and its subsidiaries believe that the Green Deal Industrial Plan aligns with the mission of the company to provide clean and circular economy solutions. The direction shows that every investment in clean tech is the right step forward. The company is ready to support the industries in the ambition of sustainable energy solutions to commit to net-zero goals.
“We are excited to see the strong commitment to renewable energy. CISH is ready to play its part in writing the story of the clean-tech economy,” said CEO Christian Zahler. “We have the experience and expertise to help industries. Our technologies, such as the Fresnel Collector and our holistic approach, are paying off and we would be happy to deploy more systems sooner.”