Polenergia launches hydrogen R&D project
The R&D project “H2 HUB Nowa Sarzyna: Green Hydrogen Storage” aims to use green hydrogen.

The National Centre for Research and Development will subsidize Polenergia’s research and development project, “H2 HUB Nowa Sarzyna: Green Hydrogen Storage”.
According to the signed agreement, the grant amount may be as much as PLN 95 million. The project is being implemented as part of a consortium led by Polenergia. The other partners are Elektrociepłownia Nowa Sarzyna and Wroclaw University of Technology.
Polenergia was among six teams awarded funding by the National Center for Research and Development to implement innovative energy projects in the spring of 2022 as part of the first “New Technologies in the field of energy” competition. The competition supports Poland’s achievement of climate neutrality by implementing solutions that enhance the country’s energy security and increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy.
Polenergia works on a large-scale hydrogen plant produced by water electrolysis in Upper Silesia, as well as smaller projects, such as a 5 MW installation located at the Nowa Sarzyna Combined Heat and Power Plant that produces green hydrogen for the needs of industry, energy and public transport, and a project for the production of renewable aviation fuel.
The project “H2 HUB Nowa Sarzyna: Green Hydrogen Storage” will be implemented in three stages. After the implementation of each stage, the consortium and NCBR will evaluate the project’s results and decide whether to proceed to the next stage.
The first stage includes the creation of an extensive feasibility study. The signed agreement provides for a subsidy of nearly PLN 100,000 for this project phase, which is half of the expected financial outlay. The total value of the NCBiR grant for the entire H2HUB project is more than PLN 95 million.
Iwona Sierżęga, Polenergia Board Member, said, “Green hydrogen production is an important part of Polenergia’s strategy. As one of the leaders in renewable energy in Poland, we are conducting an advanced program to develop new business based precisely on green hydrogen.”