Oman launches its first dual hydrogen-diesel truck

The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology (MTCIT), in cooperation with an Omani company specialized in research and development, launched the first truck that is operating on combined combustion technology of diesel and hydrogen in the Sultanate of Oman.
As part of its net-zero carbon neutrality program, the Ministry has introduced the dual-combustion truck that will reduce carbon dioxide emissions, in comparison to a conventional truck that operates on diesel.
H.E. Eng Saeed bin Hamoud Al Maawali said that the local Omani company Blue Eyes and the Zero Neutrality team have developed a truck that burns diesel fuel, which is expected to reduce the equivalent of 40% of carbon dioxide by August.
His Excellency added that the ministry encourages the development of any technology in the Sultanate of Oman, and is ready to sponsor and develop it so that it becomes a site for exporting technology abroad. He also pointed out that the combined combustion of diesel and hydrogen is a modern technology in the region and thus reduces carbon dioxide emissions from heavy trucks by up to 40 percent.
The Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology attach great importance to the possibility of using biofuels and hydrogen as environmentally friendly alternative fuel for transportation, in line with the Sultanate of Oman’s plan to achieve a balance between sustainable development, limiting the repercussions of climate change, building a knowledge economy and creating a diverse mix of energy sources within Oman Sustainability Week.