Newpoint Gas and Brooks Energy to reignite retired coal power plant with hydrogen
Escalante H2 Power plans to convert retired New Mexico coal-based power plant to run on blue hydrogen

Newpoint Gas, LLC, and Brooks Energy Company have announced forming Escalante H2 Power (eH2Power), for converting retired Escalante coal-fired power plants using blue/green hydrogen as fuel. Escalante H2 Power will use net-zero emissions dispatchable power and supply clean water as a byproduct from hydrogen combustion.
Escalante H2 Power has signed a letter of intent with Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, Inc., to buy their retired 253 MW Escalante Generating Station in Prewitt, New Mexico. The retired plant is situated near the gas transmission, and its geological location supports large scale carbon sequestration.
Newpoint technology uses steam methane reformer with hydrogen purification, whereas the carbon is sequestered underground, and the pure hydrogen is used as fuel to produce steam and generate power.
Newpoint licenses its patent-pending zero-emission modular design technology to Escalante H2 Power. Its blue/green hydrogen technology platform can merge the low environmental impact of renewable power with the reliable dispatchable power generation of a fossil-fueled power plant. This approach produces hydrogen, which can be supplied to end-users such as the transport sector.
Robert Price, president of Brooks Energy and co-founder of eH2Power said that the Escalante Hydrogen Project is thoroughly designed to provide clean, reliable power. Brooks will provide its expertise in the geological and engineering parameters necessary for carbon sequestration.
Wiley Rhodes, CEO Newpoint Gas, LLC and co-founder of eH2Power, said, “We are excited to work with Tri-State, the team at the plant site, and our partners to convert Escalante Generating Station from 24/7 coal to 24/7 zero carbon emission dispatchable power.”