Nel to develop and deliver world class electrolysers for renewable hydrogen production

Nel become a fully dedicated electrolyser company, focusing 100% on developing and delivering world-class electrolysers for renewable hydrogen production.
“Nel has almost a century of experience developing electrolysers and has installed thousands of systems worldwide. Building on our unparalleled track record, we will, from now on, spend one hundred percent of our capacity and hydrogen know-how on developing and delivering the most reliable and energy-efficient electrolysers,” says Håkon Volldal.
This transformation coincides with the spin-off of our former Fueling division, now listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange as Cavendish Hydrogen. We extend our best wishes to our former colleagues, who will now focus on hydrogen fueling equipment for heavy-duty vehicles.
“Cavendish has a solid starting point with lots of relevant experience from the light-duty fueling market, a diverse and strong customer base, a competent organization and now also a dedicated board of directors. I am convinced they can succeed, and I wish them the best of luck,” says Volldal.
In addition to further developing and improving its existing PEM and atmospheric alkaline electrolysers, Nel is investing heavily in next-generation pressurized alkaline and PEM technologies. The development of next-generation PEM electrolysers, a collaboration utilizing the deep hydrogen knowledge in Nel and General Motors’ R&D departments, is progressing rapidly. At the same time, Nel’s game-changing redesign of the pressurized alkaline concept has reached the prototype stage. Nel has also secured funding from the US Department of Energy to develop its AEM electrolyser technology further.
Recently, Nel signed a technology licensing agreement with India’s largest private corporation, Reliance Industries. Through this agreement, Nel will access a rapidly growing market and cater to Reliance’s captive demand for electrolysers globally.
During the last year, Nel has taken large steps to prepare the company for further growth. The annual production capacity at the fully automated electrode manufacturing facility in Herøya, Norway, has doubled from 500 MW to 1 GW. In addition, Nel is scaling up its annual production capacity to 500 MW at its PEM manufacturing facility in Wallingford, Connecticut. As in Herøya, all major production steps at the Wallingford facility will be automated.
Moreover, several production processes previously carried out by subcontractors will be insourced and optimized. The company has also secured about USD 170 million in support from the US Department of Energy and the state of Michigan for its planned gigafactory in Detroit, where Nel will manufacture next-generation PEM and pressurized alkaline electrolysers.