Naturgy to build 38 hydrogen refuelling stations in Spain by 2025

Naturgy Energy Group S.A, a Spanish multinational natural gas and electrical energy utility company, has presented its plan to the Spanish government for building hydrogen refuelling stations.
In the first phase, the company will build 38 hydrogen refuelling stations nationwide by 2025. In the second stage of the project, which time scale is unknown, the company will add 82 more stations, reaching the total hydrogen stations to 120.
In the first stage of deployment, the company plan to build 20 stations with hydrogen production in situ through the installation of an electrolyser or an external plant. While the remaining 18 stations would be without on-site production.
The refuelling stations will source its hydrogen from the company’s hydrogen production facilities located in La Robla, Meirama, Valencia, Palos and Alcázar de San Juan.
The company proposes to build these stations: six would be located in Andalusia; five in Castilla-la Mancha; four in Castile and León and Catalonia; three in the Community of Madrid; two in Galicia, Valencia Community, the Region of Murcia, Aragon, Navarra and Extremadura; and one in the Balearic Islands, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.
It plans to have all of them installed by 2025. It aims to have put around 30 stations into operation between 2023-2024.
Naturgy plans these developments based on potential annual hydrogen demand of about 75,500 kg of hydrogen, which is equivalent to the refuelling of 13 hydrogen-powered buses or 100 light vehicles. Moreover, it will subsequently assess its plans for feeding rail transport in the national network.
The company estimates non-renewable primary energy savings by 124 GWh/year and an emission reduction of more than 30k tonnes of CO2 annually.