National Grid to maintain robust strategy for hydrogen
The RFI response alone is nearly double our 2025 need for fossil-free fuel

National Grid has located robust stocks of renewable natural gas (RNG) and hydrogen potentially available for its customers in Massachusetts and New York through the company’s first-of-its-kind Northeast clean energy request for information (RFI) issued in May.
Procurement of RNG and hydrogen are essential to National Grid’s plan to deliver a 100% fossil-free gas network for customers who do not electrify their homes or businesses.
Through the RFI responses, the company has determined that at least 33 trillion BTUs (TBtus) will be available in the next three years, more than double the 15 TBtus needed in 2025. National Grid has determined that these fossil-free energy supplies are either immediately available or could be online within two years of contracting the projects, validating the company’s vision for fossil-free heat in the Northeast.
National Grid is committed to helping both Massachusetts and New York achieve their climate goals. The company is working to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the power, transportation, and building heat sectors, the latter being responsible for nearly 40% of total emissions in our service territory. Both RNG and hydrogen are key to achieving this net zero energy future.
The US Department of Energy allocated millions of dollars to develop a scalable hydrogen economy over the next decade. National Grid will deliver these clean energies via a 100% fossil-free gas network, coupled with targeted electrification and enhanced energy efficiency, to provide our customers with reliable and affordable clean energy choices that leave no customer or community behind during the clean energy transition.
James Holodak, Vice President at National Grid, said, “These results are an important proof-point that, with the right policy and regulatory support, within two years of contracting these projects, National Grid would be able to deliver an affordable and reliable clean energy transition for our customers.”