More than two-thirds of Germans rate green hydrogen as the energy source of the future

Germans are convinced of the benefits of green hydrogen. For more than two-thirds of citizens in Germany (69%), carbon-free hydrogen is the energy source of the future for Europe and thus also Germany.
Specifically, SPD voters have great confidence in green hydrogen (83%). Among CDU/CSU voters, the acceptance is around 75%. Among voters for the Left Party and the AfD, only one in two.
The high approval ratings among decision-makers from the industry show that the industry wants climate-friendly hydrogen. Almost two-thirds of the executives surveyed (61%) and as many as 81% of decision-makers from the energy sector see green hydrogen as important. This is the result of a representative survey conducted by the opinion research institute Civey on behalf of thyssenkrupp nucera.
The German population expects green hydrogen above all to provide greater security of energy supply through reduced import dependency (56%) and a continuously guaranteed supply of energy (40%). In addition, the respondents believe that this energy source contributes to climate protection (51%). Almost every second respondent (48%) is also convinced that green hydrogen is necessary for the conversion to a carbon-free industry. Moreover, the decision-makers from industry emphasize the reduced dependence on imports for energy supply (46%) as well as climate protection (35%). In line, the energy sector also focuses on reduced import dependency (73%), followed by climate protection (59%).
From the respondents’ point of view, the tremendous importance of carbon-free hydrogen is associated with a high level of responsibility on the part of policymakers to remove existing hurdles that inhibit the establishment of this energy source. Three-quarters of the German population (74%) and industry decision-makers (75%) call on EU policy-makers to promote green hydrogen more strongly. Again, SPD voters (almost 90%) are calling for greater support, while AfD and left-wing voters are much less in favor, at less than 60% in each case.
In the view of the interviewees, what adjustments need to be made in order to establish green hydrogen in the economy in Europe? At the top of the respondent’s list of adjustments that need to be made are stable prices for renewable energy (35%), bureaucracy reduction / legislative reforms (34%), and planning and investment security (33%).
As executives from industry rate, planning and investment security (36%) and bureaucracy reduction/legislative reforms (36%) are the most important promoters of green energy. Decision-makers from the energy sector highlight bureaucracy reduction and legislative reforms (59%) as well as planning and investment security (45%).
More than two-thirds (68%) of citizens and 81% of industry decision-makers say that the promotion of the environmentally friendly energy source hydrogen by politicians in Brussels is not sufficient to remain competitive in international comparison.
“The survey results underline the huge importance of green hydrogen as the energy carrier of the future for Europe. As we see, Germans and industry decision-makers want this carbon-free energy source. By using green hydrogen, decarbonization, especially of carbon-intensive heavy industry, can be advanced quickly and efficiently. This would be such an urgently needed contribution to improving the climate. For us to succeed, everyone in society, politicians, and industry must play their part,” says Dr. Werner Ponikwar.
On behalf of thyssenkrupp nucera, the opinion research institute Civey surveyed a total of 5,000 German citizens aged over 18 from April 28 to May 5, 2023. This representative survey was also analyzed for decision-makers from industry, the energy sector (at municipal, state, federal and EU levels), and the general private sector.