Metacon supplies micro hydrogen refuelling station (HRS) in Slovakia

Metacon, in cooperation with its distribution and EPC partner Hydroholding, has entered into a new contract for supplying an additional Hydrogen Refuelling Station (HRS) unit in Slovakia. This follows the delivery of the first micro-HRS unit ordered earlier in the year. The contract value is 2,1 MSEK at the current EUR-SEK exchange rate.
The European HRS market is developing fast, linked to increasing market needs and a rapidly maturing base of available hydrogen-driven heavy and light vehicles. Metacon and Hydroholding have received a new order for a micro-HRS solution for refuelling FCEVs with hydrogen at 350 bar. After the initial first order earlier in 2022, a second order has now been placed to support the development of the hydrogen market in Slovakia and showcase the availability of H2 refuelling technology for transport to the public.
Under the contract, Metacon will supply a fully containerised small-HRS unit with a compression module, a dispenser module, and a control unit. To the micro-HRS unit, Hydroholding will supply hydrogen via a bottle rack system as well as installation and maintenance services.
Johan Berggren, Head of Sales of Metacon said: “The European market for hydrogen refuelling stations has started to grow and we expect it to grow fast over many years, driven by the accelerating green energy and fuel transition. This is our second HRS in a series of stations to Hydroholding in Slovakia and to the central European market”.
Marek Roth, General Manager, at Hydroholding commented; “Hydroholding is, together with its key partner Metacon, going to deliver another hydrogen refuelling station in Slovakia. We are pleased to be a part of this booming market in our region and participate in the transition of various industries to a more sustainable and CO2-neutral stage. Further installations should follow in the near future, including larger HRSs and technology for production and storage of hydrogen”.