Lithuania’s Amber Grid aims for green hydrogen conversion
The infrastructure development and integration projects will develop a single tariff area among Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, with Poland joining subsequently.

Amber Grid, the main gas transmission system operator in Lithuania, will focus its operations and investments on preparing infrastructure for green energy transmission in the next decade.
It plans for transforming its gas transmission system for safe biomethane, pure green hydrogen and hydrogen mix to energy suppliers and consumers. The company also unveils its strategy report to develop a single market and tariff area among Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Poland.
The company aims to reduce its environmental footprint by 60%, generate all electricity used in the transmission system from renewable energy sources, and replace its vehicle fleet with clean vehicles in the coming decade. The energy projects such as wind and solar farm development and hydrogen production development will make Lithuania an energy exporter.
Amber Grid also will continue market completion and integration works – the Lithuanian-Polish gas interconnection GIPL to be completed in 2021 would finally enable integration of the Baltic region and Finland in the gas system of Continental Europe. Completing a single integrated gas market with the EU will also precondition the actual trade-in gas with guarantees of origin.
Amber Grid seeks that the quantity of gas produced from renewable energy sources accounts for around one terawatt-hour (TWh) in the overall gas system by 2030.
Nemunas Biknius, CEO of Amber Grid, said, “The grid of main high-pressure gas pipelines developed in Lithuania will contribute to the implementation of green energy transformation by the state.”
He further added, “Our role is to ensure technological adaptation of the system to hydrogen, organise the market, guarantee the identification of origin of green energy, and finally transmit large quantities of energy within and beyond Lithuania.”