Korea to implement the world first hydrogen law from tomorrow

South Korea will enforce the world’s first hydrogen law from tomorrow, the 5th February 2021.
In January 2020, The Korean National Assembly passed the Hydrogen Law- Hydrogen Economy Promotion and Hydrogen Safety Management Law. This presented the legal foundation for the support of hydrogen industry and safety standards. However, the law was promulgated a year ago but has given one year for implementation.
The law encompasses various aspects of the hydrogen industry, including a verification system for hydrogen companies, a method for hydrogen charging stations to report pricing, a procedure for installing new hydrogen refuelling, and a plan for hydrogen pilot projects.
Under the law, the hydrogen specialised companies can also be eligible to apply for R&D projects. The government may also request installing hydrogen stations from various operators such as logistics complexes, train stations and public highways. The government will ensure the price security of natural gas used in a fuel cell to implement the hydrogen economy.
Under the law, the companies that do not report hydrogen sales prices would violate the law. Furthermore, companies need to display the sales price of hydrogen otherwise will in violation of the law.
The Korean government is also planning to organise the 3rd Hydrogen Economic Committee to take more measures for the development of hydrogen infrastructure and encourage private investment for the promotion of hydrogen economy.