UCL-HORIBA partnership at UCL East
The transport industry will be transformed over the coming years as we move to electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

University College London (UCL) and Japanese manufacturer HORIBA announced a partnership where the new HORIBA Chair will work with industry and academia to champion and develop new propulsion technologies.
The company will fund the HORIBA Chair in Advanced Propulsion Technologies and the work of two PhD students who will conduct research with them.
The posts will sit within the UCL Advanced Propulsion Lab (APL), based at the university’s UCL East campus, which is opening over the next year on Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. The APL is one of several cutting-edge new centres on the campus bringing together researchers, students, local communities and industry partners to collaborate on solutions to the biggest challenges facing people and the planet.
The APL will innovate research techniques and train the next generation of specialist scientists and engineers to accelerate the move from fossil fuels to clean energy transport options. It aims to provide the best facilities in the world to test vehicle propulsion, fuel cells and batteries – technologies key to achieving zero-emission transport.
The UCL Advanced Propulsion Lab (APL) will open in 2023 on the UCL East campus.
Professor Nigel Titchener-Hooker, Dean of UCL Engineering, said, “I am grateful to HORIBA for their support for the work of the APL and their commitment to working with us to lead this global transformation. UCL and HORIBA have the knowledge, skills, experience and facilities to be at the forefront of this exciting sector, driving forward technologies that are crucial to the future wellbeing of society and the planet.”
Richard Carter, Director, HORIBA UK, said, “Through the provision of many years of technological competence and know-how, HORIBA goes beyond measure to support a cleaner and more energy efficient future.”
Professor Paola Lettieri FREng, Pro-Provost UCL East, said, “Research partnerships with industry are crucial to tackling the biggest challenges of our time.”
Angharad Milenkovic, Vice-President Advancement at UCL, said, “These new posts will bring in yet more academic excellence to the existing core of APL researchers and engineers, accelerating us towards a zero-emissions transport system, in line with UCL’s goal to help create a more sustainable world for everyone.”