Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A) joins by an FCV parts supplier

Japan Hydrogen Association (JH2A), whose aim is to bring together businesses and organisations to work for building the hydrogen value chain, has been joined by a new member, Aisan Industry Co., Ltd. this week.
Aisan is a Japanese auto parts supplier. It supplies hydrogen fuel injection systems (injectors, relief valves, delivery pipes) which are also installed in the new Mirai fuel cell vehicle (FCV).
The company aims to contribute to the sustainable society through its business activities and claimed to be one of the first companies in the mobility sector to develop products for decarbonisation. Aisan will work with other participating members to engage for the decarbonisation objectives actively.
JH2A was established in December 2020 with member reaching 88, including Iwatani Sangyo, Eneos, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kansai Electric Power., Kobe Steel, Toshiba Corp, Toyota, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group and Mitsui.
The automotive industry has been working on climate change as a top priority, with Japan announced to achieve net-zero by 2050. In the wake of decarbonisation initiatives, the importance of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) has been on the rise.