Inter Pipeline, ITOCHU and PETRONAS to invest in ammonia
This feasibility study is a first step in increasing our understanding of the project’s potential.

Inter Pipeline Ltd., ITOCHU Corporation, and PETRONAS Energy Canada Ltd. sign an MoU with Invest Alberta to assist the companies in exploring the development of world-scale integrated blue ammonia and blue methanol production facilities in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland.
The proposed facilities would help reduce global emissions and further Alberta’s energy sector decarbonization efforts by producing thousands of metric tonnes per day of blue ammonia and blue methanol.
Invest Alberta will work with the companies to connect them to government departments, relevant stakeholders, funds and accelerators and assist with navigating Alberta’s regulatory framework.
ITOCHU, a Japanese trading house, is seeking a long-term supply of ammonia to meet local green energy mandates in Japan, where the government is seeking a supply of up to 3 million tonnes per annum of ammonia by 2030 to meet emissions reductions targets.
Ammonia is an efficient method of transporting hydrogen. The facilities join the growing list of planned hydrogen projects in Alberta, including investments from Northern Petrochemical Corporation, Air Products and more.
Brian Baker, President and CEO, Inter Pipeline Ltd, said, “This project would be among the first of its kind in North America. Once operational, these facilities would be at the forefront of diversifying Canada’s abundant supply of raw resources by converting them to value-added, energy transition products to supply growing global markets with low or no-carbon fuel and energy products.”
Izwan Ismail, President and CEO, PETRONAS Energy Canada Ltd, said, “With the abundance of clean natural gas, existing infrastructure and strong environment, social governance and regulatory construct in British Columbia and Alberta.”
Dale Nally, Associate Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity, said, “Partnerships like this help share our ethically sourced resources with waiting customers worldwide who also share our deep ESG commitments.”
Rick Christiaanse, CEO, Invest Alberta, said, “Today’s announcement is another example of Alberta’s growth in cleantech as international investors continue to make Alberta a destination of choice for new energy projects. Alberta’s hydrogen economy continues to grow, creating a path towards, clean energy, less emissions, and new jobs,”