IFS with major heavy-duty fleets to advance hydrogen application in trucks
This collaboration focuses on delivering performance for heavy-duty fleet owners and reducing GHG emissions.

Innovative Fuel Systems Ltd. (IFS) has collaborated with several major trucking fleets to support and advance hydrogen fuel use in 90% of existing HD engines using IFS’ patent-pending retrofit dual-fuel technology, Multi-Fuel Technology Platform (MFTP™).
The founding members—Certarus, KAG Canada, Superior Propane, Trimac Transportation Services Inc., and a large, Alberta-based fleet operating throughout North America—represent some of the largest HD fleets in Canada.
These companies understand the need to reduce GHG emissions within the HD transport industry and recognize the importance of advancing the use of hydrogen as a GHG-reducing fuel. They support the commercialization of IFS’ dual-fuel system, MFTP™, because it represents the fastest and most economically efficient pathway to hydrogen fuel usage within the industry, is industry proven, and offers in-cylinder mixing providing unmatched performance and GHG reductions.
Leland Oberst, President and Chief Executive Officer of IFS, said, “Our MFTP™ technology is already commercially available for cleaner-burning natural gas. We will leverage that knowledge to have a hydrogen dual-fuel option commercially available in late 2023, enabling owners to quickly adapt for the use of hydrogen fuel in their existing fleet.”
Chris Chapman, Vice President, Fleet Services, KAG Canada, said, “We support the commercialization of MFTP™ hydrogen fuel technology because it can be commercially available in the near term and can help create demand for pending hydrogen fuel station infrastructure in order to meet net zero targets.”