Hyzon, Chart partner for 1k mile range truck with liquid hydrogen
Liquid hydrogen can leverage building a large-scale, low-cost green hydrogen production plants near the stations using local resources.

Hyzon Motors Inc. (a zero-emission hydrogen fuel cell-powered heavy vehicles supplier) and Chart Industries Inc. (a manufacturer of energy and industrial gas equipment) are partnering to develop and produce a liquid, hydrogen-powered heavy-duty commercial vehicle with a range of up to 1,000 miles.
One major challenge is integrating mobile tanks that store liquid hydrogen, which require temperatures of -423 °F, with a vehicle’s fuel cell that needs ambient temperature hydrogen gas. Both partners will address this issue by sharing knowledge with Chart offering its liquid hydrogen equipment expertise and Hyzon, providing its experience in heavy-duty hydrogen vehicles production.
Liquid hydrogen can be more advantageous in heavy transport than the gaseous hydrogen as its storage is twice dense than the current 700 bar gaseous storage. With a high density, the trucks can cover almost double the distance with liquid hydrogen. Furthermore, liquid hydrogen also improves a truck’s payload capacity because the storage tanks weigh less than 700 bar tanks.
This business model will require a relatively small number of heavy-duty refuelling stations due to the high driving range. Moreover, the refuelling infrastructure capital and operating costs can also be slashed due to the absence of the compression and refrigeration equipment needed for 700 bar vehicles.
The liquid hydrogen supply chain can also support hydrogen in other sectors such as aviation, marine and train transport.
Craig Knight, CEO of Hyzon, said, “With the current technology, fuel cell electric vehicles provide solutions for back-to-base trucking models.” He further added. “The extended range would significantly accelerate the adoption of hydrogen FCEV over-the-road transport solutions given the reduced infrastructure needs and increased refuelling hub utilization.”
Jill Evanko, CEO and president of Chart Industries, said, “With our over 55 years making liquid hydrogen equipment, we are excited to see this application for our liquid onboard hydrogen tank.”