HAV Hydrogen received AiP from DNV for containerized H2 system for ships

Six months after announcing its plans to launch a deck-based containerized hydrogen (H2) energy systems for ships, HAV Hydrogen today unveils details of the system that has received Approval in Principle (AiP) from DNV.
The AiP is an important milestone for HAV Hydrogen in bringing the new Zero Emission Pod system onto the market and engaging with customers on the first commercial installations of the system.
“We have developed and received an AiP for a turnkey engine room. The AiP is based on a 20-foot container that not only contains the hydrogen fuel cells, but also the equipment required to safely run it. This includes ventilation, cooling, safety systems, control system, DC/DC drives, fuel distribution system and other technical installations,” says Kristian Osnes.
By using 200kW hydrogen fuel cells, the system is flexible and can easily provide 1,000 kW within the footprint of a standard 20 container. By combining multiple containers, using larger modules or dedicated space below deck, multi megawatt energy systems will also be available.
“We would like to congratulate HAV Hydrogen AS on being awarded the AIP for their Hydrogen Containerized Power Plant,” said Monika Johannessen. He further added “To keep shipping relevant over the long term, we need every possible option on the table and hydrogen can be an important part of the shift towards more sustainable shipping. We would like to thank HAV for placing their trust and confidence in DNV’s expertise to help them demonstrate that their system is in-line with the most advanced technical standards in the industry.”
HAV Hydrogen has developed the containerized, deck-based system to fast-track the commercial use of hydrogen as ship fuel. Since announcing its intention to launch a containerized, deck-based hydrogen system, HAV Hydrogen has been inundated with requests from shipowners.
Broad European and international regulatory support, and rapid development of hydrogen supply in relevant harbours, is expected to drive adoption of hydrogen as ship fuel.
HAV Hydrogen will be ready to start manufacturing of the Zero Emission Pod H2 containers during the second half of 2023, aiming for the first deliveries in 2024.
The containerized H2 solution is based on the hydrogen-based energy system developed in the ground-breaking FreeCO2ast project, which has received approval for a maritime hydrogen-based energy system with a liquid hydrogen tank below deck.