H2SX partners with Korea’s Wintech Energy Corp
The agreement allows H2SX to access Wintech Energy’s green hydrogen technology and will allow Wintech Energy becomes a shareholder of H2SX.

St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp. announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, H2SX, has executed a final agreement with the South Korean company Wintech Energy Corp. Ltd.
“This technology will make it possible to produce hydrogen with a low carbon footprint and low energy intensity. In our jargon, this is what we call ccH2™, which is cheap and clean hydrogen,” said Sabin Boily, CEO of H2SX.
In contrast to traditional hydrogen production, this green hydrogen production process does not require any freshwater molecules. It is based on separating the methane molecule from natural gas, or ideally from biogas produced by organic waste, into gaseous hydrogen – the ccH2™ molecule – and high purity carbon powder. The process can be almost ten times more energy-efficient than water electrolysis as it does not consume any of this ultra-stable and precious molecule, leaving water available for humans, animals, and agriculture.
Wintech Energy’s proprietary technology uses microwave plasma and is a collaboration between the Korean Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE, formally the Korea National Fusion Research Institute – NFRI), the Korea Energy Institute (KIER), Kwangwoon University, Wintech Energy, and the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE).
“This agreement with H2SX will allow Wintech to demonstrate our unique expertise beyond our borders and actively work to implement strategic, innovative technology solutions to fight climate change,” stated Jung Cheol Park, CEO of Wintech Energy.
“We know that the hydrogen economy will become an increasingly important part of the investment portfolio at KB in the future. Wintech has such potential, and we will be seriously looking for opportunities in this sector, both here and elsewhere,” noted Peter Chunsoo Park, MD, Head of Global Business & Strategy, KB Securities.