H2APEX 100 MW Electrolysis Plant to produce 7,500 tons capacity of green hydrogen per year

H2APEX from Rostock will build a 100 MW electrolysis plant for the production of green hydrogen at the Rostock-Laage site by 2027. In Berlin, Dr. Robert Habeck, officially handed over the grant notice to the management of H2APEX. The project is part of the East German hydrogen hub “doing hydrogen” and is supported by European IPCEI funding (Important Project of Common European Interest) under the “Hy2Infra” wave. The expected investment volume for the plant amounts to around 213 million euros, with the federal government supporting 117 million euros and the state of MV contributing 50.2 million euros.
The goal of “doing hydrogen” is to create a strong platform for the hydrogen economy in East Germany, connecting innovative producers, gas network operators, and large customers. Northern Germany acts as a center for hydrogen imports and hydrogen production. The electrolysis plant to be built by H2APEX will become part of the production community in the north.
To transport the produced hydrogen to the south, other partners of the “doing hydrogen” project are converting pipelines for hydrogen transport, so that from 2027 significant quantities can be transported from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania to the greater Berlin area, Eisenhüttenstadt, and Leipzig-Leuna, also via connections to the Flow pipeline and Green Octopus to all major urban areas in Germany.
The 100 MW electrolysis plant by H2APEX in Rostock-Laage will have a production capacity of more than 7,500 tons of green hydrogen per year, equivalent to CO2 savings of approximately 85,000 tons. After its planned completion in 2027, the plant will be operated on-site by H2APEX itself and is expected to generate a high double-digit million-euro amount in annual recurring revenue from hydrogen, heat, and certificate sales.
For the implementation of this large project, which will play a significant role in the German hydrogen infrastructure, H2APEX was selected as the only SME by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection as one of a total of 24 major projects nationwide to benefit from the IPCEI funding, wave HY2Infra.
“The IPCEI project is an appraisal and a vote of confidence for H2APEX. It is one of the most important and significant projects in our current business development,” says Peter Rößner. He further added, “For us, it is a special concern to generate added value, especially in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.”
Axel Funke explains: “MV is not necessarily known for large industrial plants. We at H2APEX are proud to contribute to the development of the hydrogen industry in MV.”