Green Hydrogen International announces Hydrogen City in Texas
Hydrogen City project is positioned near low-cost renewable resources, salt domes, and proximity to the port of Corpus Christi.

Green Hydrogen International (GHI) has unveiled plans to create the world’s largest green hydrogen production and storage hub in South Texas.
Hydrogen City, Texas will be an integrated green hydrogen production, storage, and transport hub growing to 60 GW in size and producing over 2.5 billion kg/year of green hydrogen.
The project is centred around a hydrogen storage facility in the Piedras Pintas Salt Dome located in Duval County. Pipelines will deliver the green hydrogen to Corpus Christi and Brownsville, where it will be turned into green ammonia, sustainable aviation fuel and other products or delivered by pipeline directly to hydrogen power plants and other users around the state.
The project will be powered by 60 GW of behind the meter solar and wind power with additional renewable energy drawn from the ERCOT grid during low prices.
The project will be built in phases, with the first phase expected to commence operations in 2026, consisting of 2 GW of production and two storage caverns at the Piedras Pintas salt dome.
Eventually, over 50 caverns can be created at the Piedras Pintas salt dome, providing up to 6 TWh of energy storage and turning the dome into a major green hydrogen storage hub.
Australian based renewable energy developer Energy Estate assists GHI in developing Hydrogen City.
GHI is in negotiations with end-use options for green hydrogen. Green ammonia can be exported to Asia. Japanese and Korean companies can be interesting partners in this project, given their desire to shift to green ammonia. Green ammonia for the fertiliser market is another potential market, where fertiliser produced from green hydrogen can help remove unexpected price volatility.
GHI is in discussions with potential off-takers of green hydrogen as a feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). GHI believes Corpus Christi is well placed to become a major SAF production hub. It is looking at combining hydrogen with CO2 at the Port of Brownsville to create a green methane rocket fuel for launch operations in South Texas.
H2 can also be used as a natural gas substitute at power plants. Over 4 GW of new gas power plants have been proposed in the US to burn a combination of hydrogen and natural gas.