GEV progresses with Tiwi Hydrogen Project
GEV expects to submit the referral submission in the first half of this year.

Global Energy Ventures Ltd (GEV) makes progress with its 2.8 GW green hydrogen export project on the Tiwi Islands, Northern Territory, Australia.
GEV has engaged with EcOz to prepare the environmental referral submission for the project. The referral submission is an important step forward towards the realisation of the project and will provide sufficient information to the NT Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) for the assessment decision on the Tiwi Hydrogen Project. GEV expects to submit its referral submission in the first half of 2022.
GEV has also started working with ILF Consulting Engineers in Germany (ILF) to assist with solar generation and transmission engineering work for the Tiwi Hydrogen Project. Additional engineering will also focus on water desalination requirements to supply pure water to the electrolysis plant.
Global Energy Ventures continues to pursue a low environmental footprint for the Tiwi Hydrogen Project. The proposed solar site is planned to be constructed on existing plantation land, and the hydrogen production, compression, and loading facilities proposed to be built on the existing industrial precinct/existing port area. For the referral submission to reflect this view, consultants have now been engaged to undertake engineering studies for the key components, being the transmission line route and water desalination.
The engagements by GEV of Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd (water desalination) and ILF (transmission line) address two key environmental impact areas of the Tiwi Hydrogen Project, being the brine discharge from the proposed desalination plant; and the environmental impact of clearing the ~30 km transmission line corridor. The engineering study to be undertaken by Jacobs will include both near and far-field modelling of the brine discharge.