Gaussin to supply hydrogen TAAS technology to Greece
GAUSSIN has developed a global approach to the port environment called Ports H2 Mobility As a Service.

Gaussin agreed with an operator linking Athens and Mykonos in the Aegean Sea (Greece) for a strategic partnership on hydrogen in maritime transport.
The agreement aims to replace the engine of the carrier’s High-Speed Boat with a hydrogen system including an electric motor, a fuel cell and hydrogen tanks to convert shipping to green mobility.
Decarbonizing maritime navigation Under this agreement, Gaussin undertakes to carry out the studies required to transform the boat with three electric motors using hydrogen through a fuel cell and, at the same time, to install a hydrogen refuelling station in Athens and Mykonos to ensure the hydrogen refuelling of the High-Speed Boat.
Gaussin proposes the implementation of a Transport as a Service (TAAS) offer for the operation of the boat. These studies will be the subject of an offer enabling the carrier to operate the boat on a payper-use basis.
This technology will enable Gaussin, whose footprint is strong in the logistics, port and airport sectors, to accelerate its development in the pleasure boating and passenger transport market. This partnership is a concrete expression of GAUSSIN’s progress in this market.
In addition to technological innovation, Gaussin has developed a global approach to the port environment called Ports H2 Mobility As a Service, integrating the entire chain of a port project, including the production and distribution of hydrogen, mobility solutions and operations enabling payper-use invoicing of the end customer.
Georges Paollini, the owner of the High-Speed Boat, said, “I am proud to contribute to it through this partnership which makes my 50 SS marauding cigarette boat the first in the world to run on this hydrogen system.”
Christophe Gaussin, CEO of GAUSSIN, added “In addition to our proven technology, we aim to accelerate the development of our global approach to ports by offering our Ports H2 Mobility As a Service.”