Gaussin, Charbone Hydrogen to produce electric and hydrogen ATM and APM vehicles in Canada
A joint venture to accelerate the transition towards zero-emission “Made in Canada”.

Gaussin has entered into a binding Term Sheet for an exclusive 20-year agreement with Charbone Hydrogen to locally assemble and supply zero-emission APM and ATM vehicles in Canada.
The agreement includes an initial license fee, technology transfer and know-how of €10 million, representing all costs, including development costs already recognized for the development of Gaussin products, royalties of 5% for future developments and exclusivity within Canada.
In addition to the license granted by Gaussin to Charbone Hydrogen, the two companies have agreed to create a joint venture to accelerate the deployment of Gaussin smart and emission-free vehicles in the region.
This agreement further extends Charbone Hydrogen’s focus on technological solutions using green hydrogen, supported by renewable energies, to procure, assemble and supply a range of zero-emission hydrogen and electric prime and trailer movers targeted at seaports and logistics segments.
Moreover, Charbone Hydrogen has become an official partner of the Gaussin H2 World Tour on the North American territory – the US and Canada. Charbone Hydrogen now has its logo on Gaussin’s H2 Racing Truck, which is starting to travel across Canada with stops in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Saint John and Halifax. The H2 Racing Truck has just finished its US tour,which began in Baltimore in April and ended in Seattle, with stops in such iconic cities as New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco.
Dave B. Gagnon, CEO of Charbone Hydrogen, said, “The term sheet signed with Gaussin and the joint-venture will enable us to offer clean vehicles and accelerate the ecological transition of the mobility sector. The market is very promising.”
Christophe Gaussin, CEO of Gaussin, said, “It demonstrates once again the Group’s pioneering spirit, which will enable the manufacture of high-tech, clean vehicles in Canada.”