Equinor and Brouard Consulting have joined HyPSTER
HyPSTER project is a link in the development of the renewable and free-carbon hydrogen sector.

Equinor (a Norwegian oil and wind energy company) and Brouard Consulting (a consulting and engineering company) have joined the HyPSTER project.
The implementation of the renewable and free-carbon hydrogen salt cavern storage demonstrator ‘HyPSTER’ continues with the integration of two new partners: Equinor and Brouard Consulting.
Both companies will provide new scientific expertise to the project: one via its competencies in energy management, the other with its analysis capacities in underground storage.
This pilot for the underground storage of renewable and free-carbon hydrogen paves the way for creating a green hydrogen sector at an industrial scale and its technical and economic replicability in other locations in Europe. It marks a new step towards flexible supply at a large scale of renewable and low carbon energies.
Equinor’s mission is to perform bacteriological tests inside the main cavern and to provide technology watch regarding the purification systems. It will provide the purest possible hydrogen when commercialising the hydrogen stored in the salt cavern subsequently to the HyPSTER research and development project.
Brouard Consulting is a consulting and engineering office founded in 1999, it is specialised in underground storage and provides services worldwide. This company is contributing its expertise to the HyPSTER project by carrying out numerical calculations to accurately model the thermodynamic behaviour of the salt caverns and control the mechanical stability of the surrounding rock mass. The contribution of Brouard Consulting will allow reinforce the industrial safety of the project.