EnviroChemie to provide Water treatment for generating green hydrogen
The production of green hydrogen is to begin in 2023.

A constructor of large-scale plants in Germany has commissioned EnviroChemie to provide water treatment for a PEM electrolyser’s operation to generate green hydrogen.
The electrolyser will be situated in Germany and will generate more than 40,000 standard cubic metres of green hydrogen per hour. Based on the principle of ion exchange, the water treatment plant can treat more than 1,000 cubic metres of pure water an hour.
EnviroChemie is to build the water treatment plant (polishing system) and put it into operation together with the customer. The ion exchange water treatment plant will maintain the quality of the water circulating in the PEM electrolyser.
The plant will be supplied with a special regeneration system for the ion exchange resins and a chemical storage unit. The regeneration system will separate the various resin types and then regenerate them highly effectively. Meanwhile, the chemical storage unit will be used to store the chemicals required for regenerating the resins.
EnviroChemie was awarded this contract because its water experts can meet the project’s demanding requirements in the area of ultrapure and process water treatment.