Energy Harbor builds Hydrogen Plant; HIF USA & Bechtel join for eFuels
The project is expected to help position Northern Ohio as a regional hub for excellence in hydrogen technology.

Energy Harbor and the Department of Energy (DoE) agreed to continue the development of a zero-carbon hydrogen production demonstration project at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Ohio, US.
The plant will be developed in collaboration with Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Xcel Energy, and Arizona Public Service. DoE has selected Energy Harbor’s Davis-Besse power station due to its ability to provide a carbon-free power source, strong operational track record, proximity to the water required to produce hydrogen, and close proximity to crucial hydrogen consumers.
The project will demonstrate the technical feasibility and economic viability of a hybrid hydrogen production system to facilitate large scale commercialisation. A hydrogen production unit will use Low-Temperature Electrolysis (LTE) using Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) technology to produce 100% carbon-free hydrogen. Engineering and site preparations are underway to operate the nuclear hydrogen production system in 2023.
In a separate development, HIF USA has engaged Bechtel to conduct preliminary engineering and design works for a facility to be constructed to produce a carbon-neutral gasoline substitute. Carbon-neutral gasoline is made from CO2 captured from the atmosphere and green hydrogen from renewable wind power. HIF USA expects to produce around 200 million gallons/year of carbon-neutral gasoline substitute by 2025, potentially decarbonising over 400,000 vehicles. The site selection process is to be completed by the end of the year, finalise permitting in 2022, and commence construction in 2023, with the production of eFuels by 2025.