Ence joins Galician Industrial Alliance for Green Hydrogen

Ence today joined the Galician Green Hydrogen Industrial Alliance as a leading company, an initiative of which more than 700 companies are already a part, as well as institutions and social agents that, together, are committed to turning Galicia into an international benchmark in the use of this renewable energy source.
The Territorial Director of Ence in Galicia, Antonio Casal, has today signed the company’s adhesion to this alliance. The signature has materialized at the headquarters of the Galician Institute for Economic Promotion (IGAPE) and has had the participation of the General Secretary of Industry of the Xunta de Galicia, Paula Uría.
The company reinforces its commitment to Galicia by joining this alliance, with which it seeks to contribute to the development and use of this clean and sustainable source of energy, as well as promoting its use in its production processes.
This Alliance focuses its activity on five axes: designing the implementation of tools and specific support instruments for the development of the hydrogen industrial sector; identify opportunities, promote specialized training in companies, encourage research and development of innovative solutions for the industry around green hydrogen and promote the need to establish the necessary infrastructure for the execution of the Atlantic hydrogen corridor with the Galicia hydroduct -North of Portugal and the connection of Galicia with the Meseta (Guitiriz-Zamora), and with Europe.
Paula Uría Traba, General Secretary of Industry, has indicated today that, “Ence’s adhesion represents a new step to continue advancing in the objectives of the Galician Industrial Alliance for Green Hydrogen and turn Galicia into a pole of attraction for investment in this ambit. Uría highlighted the importance of public-private collaboration to address the decarbonisation of the Galician industry”.
For his part, Antonio Casal stressed that “for Ence, being part of this alliance constitutes a new step in our commitment to the Galician community, to the decarbonisation of the energy system and to sustainability”. In this same sense, he has pointed out that Ence’s biofactories are capable of self-sufficiency in renewable energy. “Green hydrogen presents itself as a unique opportunity to continue advancing in sustainable industrial development. At Ence, we are committed to a green future for Galicia ”, he added.