dynaCERT partner with Fiorentino Bros in Western Canada

dynaCERT Inc. is pleased to announce that it will be installing its HydraGEN™ Technology Units on logging equipment and heavy-duty trucks owned by Fiorentino Bros. Contracting Ltd. (“FBC”).
FBC owns over 100 units of heavy equipment and a fleet of over 70 motor vehicles. The proprietary HydraGEN™ Technology of dynaCERT will be installed on Caterpillar Graders and a Freightliner lowbed truck servicing the forestry industry in British Columbia. The HydraGEN™ Technology is designed to reduce emissions and save fuel and maintenance costs.
Jim Fiorentino, General Manager of FBC, stated, “At FBC, we are committed to helping our clients complete their projects in a safe, profitable, and environmentally sustainable manner. We are pleased to support our clients in providing the products and infrastructure that people need, while reducing our environmental footprint, and costs for fuel equipment maintenance. The HydraGEN™ Technology of dynaCERT helps us meet our ESG goals and will contribute as a major step forward in reducing GHG’s.”
Jim Payne, President and CEO of dynaCERT, stated, “As global diesel prices soar, dynaCERT continues to serve the private sector in Canada and internationally, including the forestry industry as well as private sector users of internal combustion engines in the logging industry. Our products help users to achieve sustainability and reduce global Greenhouse Gas Emissions. I applaud Fiorentino Bros. Construction Ltd. for their vision and commitment to contributing to a greener planet by reducing emissions.”