CyberFuels to decarbonize travel through hydrogen
CyberFuels’s proprietary additive makes Green Methanol eFuels an alternative to help reduce fuel prices while at the same time helping to improve the environment.

CyberFuels, Inc. has signed a Letter of Intent with an international energy company with a new patented process for producing Green Hydrogen.
This relationship will work in conjunction with CyberFuels current distribution of its proprietary alternative fuels and additives that already help decarbonize the atmosphere. The Letter of Intent calls for the first prototype of the commercial units to be placed at the new CyberFuels Gateway Terminal in Tampa, Florida. Details on the contract will be further provided after the deal close.
The purchase of the new Cyberfuels Gateway Terminal in Tampa, Florida, is expected to close in August, and permitting will begin immediately after that, with construction to follow.
CyberFuels Green Methanol will be focused on individual transportation modalities. Green Hydrogen focuses on heavy transportation, such as buses, trucks, trains, ships, and planes.
Green Hydrogen is important to the growth and vision of CyberFuels’ plans of providing sustainable zero GHG emissions eFuels. An added feature of the new patented process for hydrogen production is that it uses municipal solid waste and a process similar to fast pyrolysis which produces Green Hydrogen at a substantially lower cost than traditional methods of production. Today, 96% of hydrogen comes from Steam Methane Reformation and 4% from electrolysis.
Both methods are very expensive. Having the Hydrogen hub at the CyberFuels Terminal will allow the company to have backup hydrogen power for the terminal’s energy needs, including utilizing solar power as a power source. As part of the relationship, hydrogen will be sold at a very attractive price to be used as fuel. Next, Green Hydrogen is also an important component of Green Methanol, an important component of our eFuels solution for today’s combustion engines.
John Lawrence, President of CyberFuels, Inc., said, “We currently have fuels that are advantageous to the environment, and we are extremely excited to have this Green Hydrogen technology housed in our new Green Terminal looking forward to the next generation.”