Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming to develop hydrogen hub
This group of western states is working to compete for a portion of the $8 billion allocated in the 2021.

Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to coordinate and develop a regional clean hydrogen hub – Western Inter-States Hydrogen Hub.
On behalf of Western Inter-States Hydrogen Hub, the Wyoming Energy Authority is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a prime contractor. This position will assist efforts across the four-state region to submit a proposal to the Department of Energy (DOE) for the funding opportunity announcement “Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs.” If awarded, the prime contractor will neutrally and fairly manage the implementation of the regional hydrogen hub project to drive maximum impact.
“Our administration is well on our way toward achieving 100% renewable energy by 2040, so we are proud to be leading this group of western states to advance hydrogen power. This is an exciting opportunity for collaboration among our states and can help grow our economy and reliable, low-cost energy while we leverage our resources,” said Colorado Governor Jared Polis.
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act towards four or more regional hydrogen hubs. Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming are uniquely qualified and situated to serve as hydrogen hubs. These states have thriving hydrogen economies given the presence of high-quality wind, solar, biomass, and other energy resources, a sophisticated oil and natural gas industry, a robust energy-transportation infrastructure, and an established carbon management infrastructure with both favourable underlying geologies and regulatory structures.
Here is the complete Request for Proposals and more information about Western Inter-States Hydrogen Hub.