Clean Vision’s Clean-Seas signs MOU with ASU’s Walton Sustainability Solutions Service

Clean Vision Corporation announced its wholly owned subsidiary Clean-Seas, Inc. (“C-S”) has signed an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Arizona State University’s Rob and Melani Walton Sustainability Solutions Service (“RMWSSS”) to establish a waste plastic to clean hydrogen innovation and conversion facility in the Phoenix, Arizona area.
C-S has established Clean-Seas Arizona (“CSA”) to source waste plastic feedstock from the Phoenix metro area, and adjacent municipalities, and work towards making it an anchor for a network of clean hydrogen hubs located in various locations across the globe, with the eventual goal of diverting thousands of tons of plastic waste per day from landfills and incinerators and diverting it to its facilities. The project is intended to co-generate new recycled-content plastic and C-S’ branded clean Hydrogen, AquaH™. Land acquisition, permitting and other legal, regulatory, financing and operational steps are currently intended to be handled by various participants in this project, and there are timing and other uncertainties that the parties intend to work through collaboratively.
RMWSSS will provide scholarly, technical, and sustainability advisory services and relationships to advance the venture. C-S intends to leverage its management expertise and industry experience, and to work towards securing the various stages of necessary capital to finance the innovative facility in phases.
“Plastic waste is a problem in Phoenix and around the world. The Walton Sustainability Solutions Service has a growing track record surmounting the plastic crisis in Arizona and looks forward to expanding our work advancing the global hydrogen economy in a sustainable, responsible and financially rewarding way,” said Dr. Michael Dorsey, Director and Chair of the Walton Sustainability Solutions Service.
“We are proud to join the global clean hydrogen network C-S is working towards newly building with other leading global institutions, such as the Indian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) led by CSIR’s Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) which C-S intends to work with – as it underscores the innovative potential and global scalability of clean hydrogen,” Dr. Dorsey added.
CSA currently intends invest at least $50 million in the project, which it anticipates will divert more than 850,000 tons of plastic waste over its 25-year life span, advancing the City of Phoenix’s 2050 goals for Zero Waste, and delivering municipality wide carbon neutrality.
Arizona is one of the 20 US states recognizing advanced recycling as a manufacturing technology; passing legislation in 2021 that is expected by ASU to unlock more than $160 million in recycling-related annual economic activity.
“We are excited to partner with ASU’s Walton Sustainability Solutions Service to bring our sustainability goals and management expertise to Phoenix,” said Dan Bates, CEO of Clean-Seas. “This is a great opportunity we believe for scaling sustainability in Arizona and across the nation, as well as for advancing planetary health and well-being. This is, we believe, our hydrogen moonshot.”