Chile establishes the National Hydrogen Institute

Chile has recently been very active in developing its hydrogen economy and exploring the potential to become a leading exporter of hydrogen. On 12th March, six organisations have joined forces and established the National Hydrogen Institute, H2Bulletin reports.

The new body will work with private and public companies to explore the production and use of green hydrogen to support the country’s hydrogen fuel industry.

The Chilean National Hydrogen Institute is also considered to play a key role in exploring new potential hydrogen and the fuel cell technology present in the future. The work of the institute would benefit both businesses and academia.

The founding six members organisations are:

  • Universidad de Concepción (a national university)
  • Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (a national university)
  • Sociedad de Servicios de Ingeniería SPA ( a private company)
  • Salamanca Henríquez Compañía Limitada ( a private company)
  • Ingeniería y Energía ABT Limitada ( a private company)
  • Sociedad de Ingenieros de Valparaíso Limitada ( a private company)

The new private non-profit body is joined by both educational institutions and businesses within the framework of Corfo’s strategic technology program Electromobility Mining by Fuel Cells. The program is led by Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María to develop a hydrogen-powered fuel cells prototype mining truck transforming from a diesel-based truck.

Andre Nascimento

Andre Nascimento is the Managing Editor at H2 Bulletin. He has over ten years of experience, mostly in the commodities market. Andre has large international experience, including presenting at important conferences in Latin America, Europe and the USA. He has an MBA from London, a Civil Engineering degree from Brazil and Portugal and speaks Portuguese and Spanish. Click on the email icon to send me an email or follow me on social media. I am reachable on Phone: 02081237815
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