Chile Corfo receives interests for US$ 12 billion green hydrogen projects

Corfo, the Chilean government organisation for promoting economic growth, has received 18 expressions of interest (EoI) to develop green hydrogen projects in the country.

The EoI came in response to the Request For Information (RFI) lodged by the Chilean government in December 2020. Among other sectors, the government plans to develop renewable energy, support national mining industries and develop export-oriented green hydrogen industry.

The total investment for the indicated projects is over US$ 12 billion. Some companies showed interest to develop plants on the public lands in Diego de Almagro, while others indicated their interest in other parts of Chile, such as Antofagasta and Atacama.

Corfo wants to fast track green hydrogen projects in the country through these RFI and various other initiatives to carry out. The organisation received interests in 18 projects, including transport, heat, green ammonia, methanol, synthetic fuels.

Andre Nascimento

Andre Nascimento is the Managing Editor at H2 Bulletin. He has over ten years of experience, mostly in the commodities market. Andre has large international experience, including presenting at important conferences in Latin America, Europe and the USA. He has an MBA from London, a Civil Engineering degree from Brazil and Portugal and speaks Portuguese and Spanish. Click on the email icon to send me an email or follow me on social media. I am reachable on Phone: 02081237815
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