Chart Industries, FLSmidth partner for decarbonising the cement industry
The partnership is expected to cut CO2 emissions by 90% from the cement production process.

FLSmidth (a Danish multinational engineering company) has signed an agreement with Chart Industries, Inc. (a producer of energy and industrial gas equipment) to implement advanced carbon capture technology to cut CO2 emissions from cement production.
The partnership will adapt and commercialise Chart’s Cryogenic Carbon CaptureTM (CCC) for customers in the cement industry. The partnership aims to cut over 90% of carbon emissions from industrial sources at half the cost and energy of current carbon capture processes. Cement production represents 7-8% of global CO2 emissions, and carbon capture technologies can help to reduce the emission.
Carsten Riisberg Lund, Cement President for FLSmidth, said, “Through this agreement with Chart, we lay the foundation for the scale-up and deployment of the CCC technology with our customers.”
Jill Evanko, CEO and President of Chart, said, “FLSmidth’s strong reputation and knowledge of the global cement industry will facilitate our growth and place Chart at the heart of the cement industry’s efforts to reach Net Zero.”
CCC is an advanced post-combustion technology developed by Sustainable Energy Solutions (SES), a Chart company. The technology uses equipment manufactured by Chart and its affiliates to capture CO2 from the exhaust gas at a very high rate and produce it as a high-purity liquid ready for storage and use.
Recently, researchers from the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, MIT Energy Initiative, and ExxonMobil analysed the competitiveness of several types of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies in a global economic model with specific emphasis on ways to reduce GHG emissions from the manufacture of cement. They evaluated Coal-fired post-combustion capture (PCC), natural gas-fired PCC, and CCC in EPPA with their specific costs and inputs. CCC was determined to be the most competitive CCS technology.