Chart and Reliance establish India H2 Alliance (IH2A)
The new alliance aims to advance the Indian hydrogen economy

Chart Industries and Reliance Industries have joined forces and formed a new energy transition coalition, called the India H2 Alliance (IH2A), H2 Bulletin reports.
The alliance will focus on commercialising hydrogen technologies and systems to build net-zero carbon pathways in India. The IH2A will support developing blue and green hydrogen production and storage. It will also help develop demand in industrial clusters and work on the transport infrastructure by promoting hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
The India H2 Alliance will focus on industrial clusters, specifically targeting hard to abate industries such as steel, refineries, cement. It will also work on establishing standards for storage and transport hydrogen in pressurised and liquefied form.
The alliance will work with the government on the following five areas:
- Develop a National Hydrogen Policy and Roadmap 2021-2030
- Create a National H2 Taskforce and Mission in a public-private partnership format
- Identify National Large H2 Demonstration-Stage Projects
- Help create a national India H2 Fund
- Create hydrogen-linked capacity covering hydrogen production, storage and distribution, industrial use-cases, transport use-cases and standards.
Jillian Evanko, CEO and President of Chart Industries, said, “Proactive industry collaboration with the government is key to creating a hydrogen economy in India. Through India H2 Alliance, we will bring best-in-class hydrogen technology, equipment and know-how to create a hydrogen supply chain in India, and in many cases, ‘Made in India’.”
Anurag Pandey, R&D Team Lead, Reliance Industries Limited, said, “India needs to identify and execute large-scale hydrogen demonstration projects if it wants to be part of the global supply chain for hydrogen. Beyond R&D pilots, India needs hydrogen-valley style national initiatives across a region like a high-traffic industrial freight corridor, with multiple use-cases.”
IH2A plans to collaborate with private sector partners, the government, and the public to ensure that hydrogen production costs are brought down, a local supply chain for hydrogen and related applications grows, and India can achieve its net-zero.