CGN signs agreement with Quinto Energy for large-scale H2V production in the backlands of Bahia

The Chinese giant CGN Brazil Energy signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Brazilian company Quinto Energy aiming at the implementation of a mega complex of wind and solar energy, in the interior of Bahia, with a focus on the production of green hydrogen on a large scale.
The cooperation agreement was signed by the companies with the presence of Jerônimo Rodrigues at Senai Cimatec, at the same ceremony where the Tanque Novo Wind Complex was inaugurated, the second largest CGN project in Brazil, whose investment was R$ 1.15 billion.
And the partnership with Quinto, which aims to set up wind and solar parks with an installed capacity of 14GW, signals CGN’s expansion in Brazil.
“We’ve been in contact with Quinto for a long time, but recently we’ve been studying some hydrogen and ammonia projects, and we consider them to be one of the most consistent projects we’ve seen on the market. We strongly believe in the project and in the concept being implemented by Quinto Energy,” says André Martini.
Rafael Cavalcanti highlighted the power of the partnership. “We have a very strong synergy with CGN, which sees Bahia’s potential for the production of green hydrogen on a large scale. Bahia is the future of renewable fuels. In its different forms, with a hybrid source of wind and solar energy, interconnected transmission lines, Petrochemical Complex connected to the Port of Aratu, Bahia will lead the process of green refineries in the world”, said Rafael Cavalcanti.