Bouygues Energies & Services and Loxam to join forces for hydrogen

The Loxam group and Bouygues Energies & Services today announced the signature of a strategic partnership agreement for the development of a comprehensive service offering around hydrogen.
The Loxam group rents out hydrogen-powered equipment to meet the zero-carbon goals of its clients. This range currently consists of power generators, and is set to expand in the coming years (aerial work platforms, telehandlers, etc.). For its part, Bouygues Energies & Services designs, manufactures and operates units producing hydrogen from renewable energy sources and power supply systems for operational sites: worksites, isolated locations or event venues.
The collaboration of the two firms thus provides an answer to one of the major hurdles to a successful energy transition: supplying low-carbon power to venues, in particular temporary ones such as worksites, and the implementation of these solutions in accordance with legal and safety requirements, providing the necessary support to the end customers. This partnership aims to develop a turnkey and integrated solution, offering both the equipment and its hydrogen energy source, to all clients interested in these innovative solutions.
This partnership furthermore reinforces the longstanding relations between Loxam and Bouygues Energies & Services, already illustrated through their ongoing collaboration on the “H2BYCOL” project developed by Bouygues Energies & Services. This project aims to install two renewable-sourced hydrogen refuelling stations in the Greater Paris area, respectively in Louvres (Val d’Oise department) and Chilly Mazarin (Essonne), to encourage the development of hydrogen-fuelled low-carbon mobility.
Olivier Grisez, Managing Director France at Loxam, said, “This partnership is perfectly in step with the Loxam group’s hydrogen strategy. Through it, we intend to accelerate our decarbonisation programme to comply with the Paris Climate Agreement. Hydrogen is an energy of the future that is clean and can be produced locally, allowing us to develop a new range of innovative equipment and services. From this perspective, our partnership with Bouygues Energies & Services is a crucial link in securing out logistics chain.”
Elisabeth Benedetto, Executive Vice President of the Energies BU at Bouygues Energies & Services, added, “We are delighted to be able to count on the support of a partner such as Loxam. As specialists in hydrogen solutions, we contribute to decarbonising energy, industry and mobility by offering solutions and services tailored to the needs of our clients and partners. In this partnership, we wish to contribute our expertise in supplying power to temporary facilities such as worksites and events venues, by facilitating installation connections, filling tanks and remotely monitoring the quantities of hydrogen available.”